Computer Science 1 - Nethra

This is my webpage for computer science 1. We
are studying C#. Its my first year of computer
science. It difficult to learn but it's worth it in the end.

About Page

Aug 30, 2023

In this project, we made a fake company. We created logos and slogans, and even wrote a description for this company.
About Page

Mailing Label

Sep 8, 2023

This project helped me learn how to change fonts and color. You could also change the language of the mailing label.
Mailing Label

Car Rental

Sep 19, 2023

This project helped me design an actual website on renting cars. It did all the calculations you needed.
Car Rental


Sep 25, 2023

This project calculated your BMI.Then it told you if you were healthy and fit. It will also provide a diet for you.

Car Rental Upgrade

Sep 19, 2023

This project was the updated version of the original car rental. There are more complex calculations and a more advanced design.
Car Rental Upgrade

Triangle Checker

Oct 11, 2023

This project used some math.The user can input any 3 numbers, and the program will tell you if it is a triangle or not.
triangle checker

Craps Game

Oct 19, 2023

This project used is based of a real game you could play in Los Vegas. You roll a dice and gamble (fake) money.
craps game

Slot Machine

Oct 27, 2023

This project used is based of a real game you could play in Los Vegas. You roll a dice and gamble (fake) money.If the machine shows the same 3 images, you're rich!
slot machine

Robotic Over- Under Calculator

Nov 14, 2023

This project used is based of a real game our robotics team did. It is a calculator for them. It keeps the score.
Robotic Over- Under calculator

Incremental Game

Dec 1, 2023

This project is a clicker game. You just keep clicking! You can get fun upgrades by clicking.
Incremental game

Spooky Staircase

Dec 13, 2023

This project is a simulator. The person goes up and down the stairs. There is a scary moster at the bottom!
spooky staircase

Ai Chase

Jan 19, 2024

This project is a game. Tom will chase Jerry! Jerry needs to run away or his health will die and the game will be over.
ai chase

2D Submarines

Feb 2, 2024

This project is a simulator. There are 2 submarines in this game that are constantly moving.
2D submarines

Fishing Simulator

Feb 20, 2024

This project is a simulator. There are 20 fishes. There is a predator and a boat trying to eat these fishes.
fishing simulator


Feb 27, 2024

This project is pretty self- explanatory. It is a Tic-Tac-Toe game.

Math Menu

Mar 6, 2024

This project is a math calculator. You can do basic calculations and complicated ones.
math menu

Simple Board Game

Mar 15, 2024

This project is a simple board game. You roll the dice and move along the board.
simple board game

Bee Simulator

Mar 28, 2024

In this project there are bees. When you press the space bar, the bees come out of the hive. Then there is a humming bird that changes the flower.
bee simulator

Final project : Bunny Game

May 24, 2024

This project is the last project of the year. There is a bunny that has to eat a certain amount of carrots. There is a scary snake that will try to eat the bunny.
final project